Our #empoweringrealwomen theme continues...
NYMF Fashion dresses are not just beautiful dresses. They are powerful dresses that you need to wear with confidence and dignity. And these are the qualities that women can learn only through life experiences, sometimes hard ones. These women on the catwalk have learned those lessons and they know that they are beautiful, authentic, unique, powerful, radiating, inspiring and that they are totally worth wearing the most beautiful dresses.

Business Professional Women Estonia (EENA BPW Estonia) women wearing NYMF Fashion creation on the catwalk of Charitable Hat Party “EENA Movie Gala”.
Vol 2.
Photos Kelly Jõesoo
Dresses NYMF Fashion
Designer Triin Kärblane
Models Siiri Tiivits-Puttonen, Teele Palmre, Aira Meos, Marii Val, Anu Viks, Christine Savisaar, Kaire Luuk, Mare Timian, Merike Paasalu
If you thought that NYMF dresses were only for intangible fairies or for unhealthy supermodel sizes...
Here is the opposite proof - NYMF empowers REAL women.

Business Professional Women Estonia (EENA BPW Estonia) women wearing NYMF Fashion creation on the catwalk of Charitable Hat Party “EENA Movie Gala”.
Vol 1.
Photos Kelly Jõesoo
Dresses NYMF Fashion
Designer Triin Kärblane
Models Siiri Tiivits-Puttonen, Teele Palmre, Aira Meos, Marii Val, Anu Viks, Christine Savisaar, Kaire Luuk, Mare Timian, Merike Paasalu
Eile oli äge õhtu. Esitlesin NYMF Fashioniga oma loomingut Eesti Ettevõtlike Naiste Assotsiatsiooni (EENA BPW Estonia) Kübarapeol “EENA Filmigala” ja punasel vaibal keerlesid modellidena EENA naised ise. Täiesti erinevates vanustes ja täiesti erinevates figuurides. Ja just see oligi äge, sest naised täiega nautisid end laval, nad olid nii päris, nii elusad, nii ehedad, nii iseendad. Ning see kõik andis ka NYMFi kleitidele mingi täiesti uue lisahingamise.
Siin väike emotsioon backstagest enne lavale minekut.

Aitäh Teile, ägedad EENA Naised!