We photo- and videographed NYMF Bridal Collection 2018 today. Had some plans set before, but actually the day was full of magic, pure flowing. The way the location, the amazing Chateau de Kumna, started to communicate with it's interior, light and mirroring... it was just owerwhelming.
And we had just a perfect team - my muse, one of the most beautiful Woman in the world, definetely, the actress Ingrid Margus; really talented and passionate photographer Indrek Arula and me. The whole day carried a message for all of us - Live Your Dreams! And I decided that the same message needs to be carried wider with the whole Bridal Collection. So, You! Live Your Dreams!
Here is a little sneakpeak about the fun and magic we experienced there.
Me and my muse Ingrid Margus.

Girls just wanna have fun!

Multitasking photographer Indrek Arula.

Fragment from a fairytale.

At the end of November I visited Turkey. To have fun. To get ispired. And also for choosing the fabrics for the next NYMF collections.
Yes... it was one of the most intence workdays. To work through 3 huge rooms full of super colorful fabric samples just in 8 hours, to trust my own intuition and pick out the most beautiful fabrics amongst all the beautiful samples and at the same time trying to form an harmonious collection (or even 2 or 3!!!) in my head... Aaah... I'm soo excited already!

Work well done I took some time to get inspired by the streets of Istanbul.

And culture.

NYMF Moestuudio oli oma pruutkleitide pop-up butiigiga esindatud 11. novembril 2017 toimunud Eesti Pulmamessil Tallinna Lauluväljakul. Butiiki täiustasid ka NYMFi kleitidega imeliselt harmoneeruvad Always Believe in Magic käsitööna valminud makrameeehted. Arutlesime ja fantaseerisime peatsete abiellujatega pruutkleitide teemal ning näitasime oma haldjaprutkleidi-kollektsiooni ka lavalaudadel. Siin mõned fotomälestused üritusest.

#nymf #nymfmoestuudio #alwaysbelieveinmagic #triinkärblane #popupbutiik #pulmamess #eestipulmamess #pulmakleidid #pruutkleidid #pulmad #vintagepruutkleit #teistmoodipruutkleidid #indiepruutkleit #haldjapruukleidid #pruutkleidikollektsioon #inspiratsioon #vintagepulmakleit #bridal #weddingdress #indiebridal #bohowedding #bohobridal #hääpuku #häät #morsiuspuku #mõisapulm #rabapulm #küünipulm #rannapulm #haldjad #muinasjutt #fairywedding #fairybridal #parisvintage #vintagebridal #handmadedresses #exclusivedresses #eestipruutkleididisainer #pruutkleididkollektsioon #pruutkleididisainer #pruudisalong #pulmasalong #teistmoodipruutkleit #eratellimuselpruutkleidid #individuaaltellimuselpruutkleidid #disainpruutkleidid #disainpruutkleit #bohopruutkleit #lauluväljak #tallinnalauluväljak #fotogalerii #pulmakleitideshow #estonianbridalboutique #bridalboutique #bespokebridal