Well, traditionally one of the first steps in the journey of creating a collection is to create a moodboard. Usually, it should give you a first impression of how the collection would look like visually: the colors, silhouettes, details, style, etc... My moodboard this time carries exactly the opposite. It reflects everything that is not visual. Carrying rather invisible. And this is exactly what I want to bring to you with my dresses. The invisibility. The experience.
- Dress as an experience. -

By nature, I am the explorer. The experiencer. Probably that’s why I live quite an extreme way in some context. To experience as wide range of variations as possible. And recently my experiences have become more and more unearthly, magical and divine.
The moodboard on this photo hasn’t been made especially for this collection or for this writing. I found it from my phone while browsing the gallery about my paradise trip from this spring. But I decided to share it because it gives the closest impression of what I have been living, experienced through me and carrying since that time.
So yes, I have been blessed to have the ability and opportunities to experience these things through me. Or rather, I have finally accepted these for myself. But I also have this growing inner feeling that I couldn’t keep the experiences selfishly only for me but I need to share them.
- How to express the invisible? -
Bringing some kind of sensations or experiences into material world is definitely a creation. And in my case, I speak most fluently the language of dresses.
Have you ever thought about yourself as an altar? And what would you place on your altar? Can you imagine a dress as a portal that opens while wearing it and connects you with the divine experiences?
- Me as an altar. Dress as a portal. -
A woman in her divine nature is a harmonious mix of diverse variations. She includes in herself different aspects as a creatively brilliant Saraswati, abundant Lakshmi, sacredly-married Parvati, divinely romantic Radha, maternal Sita, mysteriously playful Lalita Tripura Sundari and also a bit more darker aspects as a warrior Durga, transformative Kali, and false-self-sacrificing Chinnamasta. And these are just a few examples.
To be fully harmonious we need to be connected with the different sides of us and know how to invoke them in certain moments. Even the dark ones. Because the dark ones are not the “bad ones” like we tend to think. Every aspect has its own role and they are just waiting to be invoked. In order to enrich your life or to ask help for going through some difficulties in life.
So to conclude the long story. The new collection carries the harmony of different aspects of the goddesses and each dress in this collection acts as a portal through which to invoke different divine beings and experiences into your life.
What kind of goddess would you like to invoke?
Please follow our journey in Facebook @NYMF Fashion and Instagram @nymffashion
I used to think that my creation process starts from the fabrics. But now I understand that actually it starts before. Through some life lesson I’m experiencing at that time and the fabrics are actually just the first form of materializing my state of feeling or being.
The story of this new collection fabrics brings us to this springtime, to the time when I actually had stopped working for unknown time.
I had disconnected myself from the life I used to have, staying in the Paradise, just enjoying the merriment of life, peeling off these false and unnecessary layers and roles, one by one… learning how to just be…
But still, from time to time, I was overtaken by some familiar patterns I used to have. And my practical mind was saying: “Hey Triin, you are going to be in Estonia in May… you always!!! present a new collection at that time… And of course all your clients are so impatiently waiting for this Bali collection… you have tons of ultra colourfully patterned batik fabrics in this paradise… just pick them out, give them to the tailor on the next street corner and a beautiful practical Bali theme summer collection would be ready for May…”
I listened to my mind and went shopping. And came back totally empty-handed. And why? Just because the feeling didn’t come up. Because it just wasn’t That.
I kind of gave up. And also felt relieved that probably it wasn’t just the time yet to return working. And I continued enjoying the merriment of life again.
Some time went by and one day I found myself spontaneously in a more luxurious fabric shop. Like totally magnetized I was immediately drawn to the sector where the most beautiful, luxurious, most impractical fabrics were. The fabrics that I haven’t used in my quite a long career and ironically exactly the opposite to the fabrics that my analytical mind was looking for. But I went totally crazy. My mind disappeared. Visions ran in front of my eyes. Goosebumps covered allover my body. The tears of happiness ran. The feeling was exactly the right! Although I had no idea when or where or who would make the dresses or if at all, the fabrics were just totally seducing me. And I trusted.

Later some beauties from Malaysia and India also joined, so the origins of the fabrics are quite exotic. Although their visual and essence rather not. But that I would share in the next chapters of the collection journey.
Ahhh… almost forgot. One more very important thing.
Arriving at my paradise home, I spontaneously cut the small pieces from the fabrics, their essence, put them into a tiny cloth bag and the same little bag travelled with me and experienced oh-so-many different kind of balinese ceremonies and rituals. So the fabrics in this collections have been charged, connected with the divine and being blessed so many times. Huhh… goosebumps again…

This was the pre-story of the collection from this springtime.
Please follow our journey in Facebook @NYMF Fashion and Instagram @nymffashion

I have been quite silent in a creative way for a while, but at the last full moon I reached to the point when I was manifesting to the glowing moon in the night sky that “now I’m ready for creating again". It didn’t take long. Already next morning I received an e-mail with the invitation to participate in the Tallinn Fashion Week this fall. I haven’t felt such an internal burning and a creative drive for quite a long time… And even though my mind wanted to kill the idea in every way, I still decided to follow my inner fire and say “yes” to the challenge.
So, dear NYMF fans, please save the date into your calendars: October 19, 2019, NYMF on the stage of Tallinn Fashion Week. Huh… now it’s all said and there is no turning-back ..
But I have one more feeling considering all of this… Usually I share only the outcome - the catwalk or a lookbook of the collection, but this time I have a strong feeling that I would love to invite you also to the journey. The journey, the process, the birthing story of the collection. Because for me it’s definitely a much more deeper and comprehensive process than just trying to predict the future fashion trends, sketch them to the paper and start producing. Although… I'm not sure yet on what level I’m actually ready to open myself to the wider audience...
So honestly, at this point, I don’t have any idea what I’m going to share with you, but I think this is exactly one of the most important points in the creating process - setting the intention and trusting the totally unknown of the journey.
So if you want to join the journey, please follow @NYMFfashion and @NYMFbridal in Instagram and NYMF Fashion & NYMF Bridal in Facebook.